Arrest Warrant Issued for Bill Cosby

An arrest warrant has been issued for entertainer Bill Cosby for allegedly drugging and sexually assaulting former Temple employee Andrea Constand at his Elkins Park, Pennsylvania mansion in January 2004, sources tell PEOPLE.

Constand was not available for comment but one of her attorneys expressed gratitude toward the prosecutor.

“Obviously we appreciate the expression of confidence in her,” says Dolores Troiani of her client, Constand, 42, who is now a massage therapist in Ontario, Canada. “We’ll have to see what happens. We hope justice will be done. We will cooperate fully.”

Cosby has previously said what happened between him and Constand was consensual, but in new court filings last summer Constand said she was in a relationship with a woman at the time. She also called Cosby a “narcissist” who missed cues that she’s gay.

Source: Arrest Warrant Issued for Bill Cosby for Alleged January 2004 Sexual Assault of Andrea Constand