The Bob Marly Birthday Give-A-Way

In honor of the man, the myth, the legend…

The late Robert Nesta Marley has done so much for the generations after him and has had such an impact on, music, culture, religion and more, that I feel it my duty to do something in honor of his birthday yearly. Typically, i would be doing a party and playing his music at the event, or do a mix on the radio featuring his music. This year, I decided to do something a little different. The camp recently reissued Bob Marley Live! on vynil, and I just so happen to have 2 copies. So, to honor his birthday, I’ll be giving them both away.

In order to win, just share this page on any social media platform, and fill out the form below. I’ll randomly select a winner on February 13th. And announce that winner in an email. Doesn’t matter where you are on the planet, I’ll mail the album to you.