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Real Ex-Husbands of Hollywood! Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey Divorcing??

Say it ain’t so!

Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey are the latest couple to be hit with divorce rumors! Divorce rumors have been swirling around some of the hottest celebrity couples from Will and Jada to Bey and Jay. Now they are all over Nick and Mariah! And it seems that Nick Cannon has confirmed that there are issues in their relationship.

“There is trouble in paradise,” he told The Insider. “We have been living in separate houses for a few months.”

Nick and Mariah have been married for 6 years now, and they seemed happy for a while. It seems that things started to go south when Nick did an interview for Big Boy Radio and started bragging about all of the women in the industry he slept with before Mariah, including Kim Kardashian. Apparently when Mariah got wind that her Husband was out there bragging about his past conquests, she went off on him! And things have not been the same since then.

Mariah is also upset that Nick is not spending as much time with the family as she hoped he would. She wants him home more, and he wants to take every opportunity that comes his way right now.

Personally, I believe they have a lot to work out in order for their relationship to survive. Nick Cannon is 33, which is a prime time for him to grind and make moves. Mariah has had her time, and is now ready to slow down a bit. Nick is not there yet. They are at two different stages in their lives right now, and that could cause a huge rift in their marriage. Hopefully these two can work things out. They have a beautiful family that is worth fighting for!